Saturday, December 15, 2007

The latest Flu Season Update.

Hope this helps with the prevention of the flu and getting sick this season. Using a hand sanitizer may be the 'trick' in killing the 'sick bug'.

Flu Season Is Here!

The always present flu season is in full swing this year. Societies general response is to run to the doctor, get a flu shot and become protected for the rest of the winter months. Although this is a good practice, there is more that can be done to stay protected from germs. Take a look at this official CDC release of a recent "Flu Activity" map of the U.S.:
These types of trends motivate most people to wash their hands and stay germ free as much as possible. But how long will that motivation last? For one to be really protected they must develop a regimen of health. So how is a regimen developed and maintained? Begin by placing products in a conspicuous place; the kitchen sink, the bathroom sinks, the showers, by the front door, on your nightstands, in your cars and at the work and school desk of every family member. They will be easy to spot and just as easy to use. Remind others to use them as well. When you apply some to your hands be sure to offer it to someone else. This assist you in keeping your environment clean. When your family, friends and co-workers are healthy this season you will be too.
Best wishes to all of you,