Saturday, February 23, 2008

Corporate Office has moved, It Kills


Dear Distributors,

PureWorks is proud to announce that our office is relocating! Last year we remodeled our conference center to offer a convenient place for distributor meetings. We have also made some recent changes to move our office headquarters into the same building. The new address is 4126 South 500 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84123. The new headquarters will be a well-situated one-stop-shop. All our phone numbers and emails will remain the same so please feel free to contact us. If there is a day next week were you have some trouble contacting us please be patient with us, excuse our dust and we'll contact you as soon as possible if we do miss you. In case of a real emergency call Skyler at 801-884-8337.
Your Friends at,
Pureworks, LC

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